2023 & 2024
@ Projektraum Dose
"Es ist Zeit alles auf einen Haufen zu werfen und etwas Neues daraus zu machen.
Wir nutzen dieses Projekt für einen gemeinsamen Prozess um Reflektion in Aktion zu verwandeln.
Mit Zeremonie und weiteren Veränderungen des Raumes.
Es wird sich vermutlich lohnen mehrfach zu kommen."
It's time to throw everything together and make something new out of it.
We use this project for a shared process to turn reflection into action.
With ceremony and further changes to the room.
It will probably be worth coming several times.
It's time to throw everything together and make something new out of it.
We use this project for a shared process to turn reflection into action.
With ceremony and further changes to the room.
It will probably be worth coming several times.
C H E E R & C L E A R !
@ jajaja audio-sonic-tour, stamp festival, Hamburg (DE)
"eine Reinigungsanlage an einem imaginären Grenzübergang
beim Wechsel von einer Realitätsebene in die Nächste."
a cleaning facility at an imaginary border crossing
when moving from one level of reality to the next.
C H E E R & C L E A R ! 2
@ JOKAklubi's The Theory Show, Westerk, Hamburg, 2024
"Rhythmic-hypnotic transformation of negative vibrations into pure pleasure,
Support and preparation for border crossings of any kind. Throughly! Gentle!
With the latest nanotechnology! DISINFUSING!"
by Antoni Knigge, Charlotte Crome & Mirka Raito