paintings and drawings
gallery Huuto, Helsinki
It is about present and absence. About viewing and observing. Some of the images have the feeling of spying or beeing spyed. Persons sanked in their thoughts or on dangerous trips in the woods. There are suddenly staring eyes in the night. The motive is often viewed from the lair from the dark cellar, through the branches or behind the tree -presenting an experience of a one single person.
The exhibition got the name from one sentence in certain finnish folkpoem. In the poem the person decides to tell his worries to the trees because other people would tell them the whole village. He talks with the trees, chats with the leefs and young willows. I am fascinated by the melancholy mood and fellowships with the nature. Similar kind of charged and suspicious atmosphere is to be find in my pictures.
„Puhun puille pääni päällä,
haastan haavan lehtysille,
pakisen pajun vesoille,
ne eivät kerro kellekäna."
Muinaisrunoja, laulusta-surusta-lemmestä
perussäkeisiinsä palauttaa yrittänyt Kaarle Krohn, 1920